Thursday 26 September 2013


“To have faith is to be sure of things we hope for, to be certain of things we cannot see.”
                                                Hebrews 11 vs. 1.GNB
Since my childhood, I have discovered a lot of things. First of all, faith is what you believe in and not what your parents believe in. It is something you have to discover for and by yourself. This self discovery has to happen to everyone that wants to be a real Christian. You don’t just receive faith or accept it. You have faith.
Often times I have often question my faith, especially when it comes to praying. Why do we pray? Why do people pray? Even God asks us to pray. Mathew 7:7 says ask and we shall receive, seek and we shall find and knock and the door will be opened unto us. But what happens when we ask and ask for so long and not receive. We hear of the story in the bible of the woman who had the issue of blood for TWELVE years. She must have started praying as soon as she realized it wasn’t about to stop any time soon. Assuming she started praying a month after it had started, she prayed twelve months, one year, two years, five years up until twelve years before she was healed. Let’s try to put ourselves in her shoes, especially in this contemporary world where everything is moving fast and we want things done as quickly as possible. Would we still believe?
God’s time is the best. Sometimes I wonder why we can’t just know God’s time and pray then. But we just have to keep praying. Jesus encourages us to pray in Luke 18: 1-8 and even teaches us how to in Mathew 6: 9-13. It’s really hard to keep praying and the issue just stays and shows no sign of leaving. It’s worse when people talk about their healing miracles, job miracles makes you feel less of a Christian why your own prayers look like they are not being answered. Always remember just waking up in the morning is miracle enough, once there is life there is hope and really if you start to count your blessings you’ll discover just how blessed you are. God always answers prayers, His answer might be yes, no, not yet; I have something better for you.
I have come to the conclusion that
1.     Romans 9:20 says “but who are you to answer God back? A clay does pot not ask the man who made it, “Why did you make me like this? So you can’t actually question your situation but make the most of it.
2.    God cannot give you what you can’t handle.
3.    Gold has to be melted before it is carved.
4.    God wants to know his own, and trust you like he trusted Abraham and job.
If you are still an atheist, you are just being stubborn. Would you rather not believe in God and at the end find out there is God? Or believe in God and find out there is God? You have nothing to lose expect an irresponsible lifestyle.

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